Role of Fertilizers in the Agricultural Sector
Fertilizers are natural or synthetic substances that supply one or more of the plant nutrients essential for plant growth. Fertilizers are applied to the soil or plant tissues to improve the plants productivity. In other words, these are the materials farmer add to the soil to improve its physical or chemical properties, such as fertility, water retention, drainage permeability, and soil structure. It makes the soil properties better and allows the roots to enter the soil and obtain the needed air and moisture.
Fertilizers are mainly divided into two types organic and inorganic. According to the experts, plants need sixteen elements that are absolutely necessary for plant growth. Out of these, 9 elements are required in large quantities while the other seven are required in smaller amounts. The organic fertilizers are derived from plants or animals and the Inorganic fertilizers are manmade or mined.
India is the home of various premium government and private fertilizer and soil additives companies. The success of the agricultural sector is mainly depends upon the organic fertilizer manufacturers in India. The level that the food & agriculture industry in India has set is mainly due to the many technically qualified fertilizers and pesticides companies in India.
As fertilizers are currently playing major role in the agricultural sector of India, many companies are involved in the manufacturing and supplying of fertilizers & soil additives. Therefore, finding the best companies will be a challenging task for the consumers or farmers.
If you are the one looking for fertilizer manufacturing company in
India, get connect with Deepak Fertilisers and Petrochemicals
Corporation Ltd. (DFPCL). They are one of the leading manufacturers &
suppliers of fertilizers and industrial chemicals in India. There you can find
a basket of 48 products which include specialty fertilizers, bulk fertilizers,
water-soluble fertilizers, micronutrients, and secondary nutrients, based on
every farmer's crop nutrient needs.
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